Rosen, George to HSA Colloquium, 1973 Box 52, Folder 278 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Arthur Jack Viseltear papers, 1953-1990Writings, Speeches and other Statements, 1959 1989, undatedPublic StatementsIntroductions
Rosenkranz, Barbara G., 1973-1989 Box 7, Folder 127 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Arthur Jack Viseltear papers, 1953-1990Correspondence, 1958 1989, undatedAlphabetical
Rosner, David, 1971-1989 Box 7, Folder 128 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Arthur Jack Viseltear papers, 1953-1990Correspondence, 1958 1989, undatedAlphabetical
S, 1960-1989 Box 7, Folder 129-132 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Arthur Jack Viseltear papers, 1953-1990Correspondence, 1958 1989, undatedAlphabetical
Sartorelli, Alan C. chairman, Pharmacology [tapes 58, 59, 60] Box 47 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Arthur Jack Viseltear papers, 1953-1990Writings, Speeches and other Statements, 1959 1989, undatedUnpublished"333 Cedar Street"InterviewsOriginal tapes
Sartorelli, Alan C. chair, Pharmacology, 1982 Box 50, Folder 253 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Arthur Jack Viseltear papers, 1953-1990Writings, Speeches and other Statements, 1959 1989, undatedUnpublished"333 Cedar Street"InterviewsTranscriptions [notes, typescripts]
Savitt, Todd L., 1981-1989 Box 7, Folder 133 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Arthur Jack Viseltear papers, 1953-1990Correspondence, 1958 1989, undatedAlphabetical
Saybrook College, 1975-1988 Box 26, Folder 156 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Arthur Jack Viseltear papers, 1953-1990Professional Activities, 1963-1989Yale University
S. B. C. 4th year M.D. student, 1981 Box 50, Folder 250 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Arthur Jack Viseltear papers, 1953-1990Writings, Speeches and other Statements, 1959 1989, undatedUnpublished"333 Cedar Street"InterviewsTranscriptions [notes, typescripts]
S., B. medical school alumnus, 1981 [tape 36], 1982 Box 47 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Arthur Jack Viseltear papers, 1953-1990Writings, Speeches and other Statements, 1959 1989, undatedUnpublished"333 Cedar Street"InterviewsOriginal tapes