Nominating Committee, 1979-1981 Box 17, Folder 39 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Arthur Jack Viseltear papers, 1953-1990Professional Activities, 1963-1989Medical Care Section
Non-physicians, 198- Box 57, Folder 72 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Arthur Jack Viseltear papers, 1953-1990Teaching Files, 1965-1989Yale UniversityHM 100: History of MedicineNotes
Note cards, [1966] Box 34, Folder 55 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Arthur Jack Viseltear papers, 1953-1990Writings, Speeches and other Statements, 1959 1989, undatedUnpublished"Osteopathy: A Profession in Search of a Future" [book]
Notes Box 34 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Arthur Jack Viseltear papers, 1953-1990Writings, Speeches and other Statements, 1959 1989, undatedUnpublished"Health Insurance in California, 1915-1918" [book]
Notes Box 55 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Arthur Jack Viseltear papers, 1953-1990Teaching Files, 1965-1989Yale UniversityHM 100: History of Medicine
Notes, 1963 Box 33, Folder 51 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Arthur Jack Viseltear papers, 1953-1990Writings, Speeches and other Statements, 1959 1989, undatedUnpublished"The Lithontropic Medicines of the Eighteenth Century" [Ph.D. dissertation])
Notes, 1965-1971 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Arthur Jack Viseltear papers, 1953-1990Writings, Speeches and other Statements, 1959 1989, undatedUnpublished"Compulsory Health Insurance in California" [book concerning 1930s-1950s]
Notes, 1966 Box 34, Folder 56-59 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Arthur Jack Viseltear papers, 1953-1990Writings, Speeches and other Statements, 1959 1989, undatedUnpublished"Osteopathy: A Profession in Search of a Future" [book]
Notes, 1967-1967 Box 30, Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Arthur Jack Viseltear papers, 1953-1990Writings, Speeches and other Statements, 1959 1989, undatedPublishedJournal articles"The Last Illness of Sir Robert Walpole"
Notes, [197-] Box 37, Folder 106-109 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Arthur Jack Viseltear papers, 1953-1990Writings, Speeches and other Statements, 1959 1989, undatedUnpublished"Medical Care Teaching Program in the Department of Public Health, Yale University"