Watanabe Nangaku, 1767-1813 Box 10 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library Art and Architecture of Japan Slide Collection, 1960-2005PaintingTokugawa Period, 1615-1867Known Artists
Watanabe Ryokei, ac. ca. 1645 Box 10 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library Art and Architecture of Japan Slide Collection, 1960-2005PaintingTokugawa Period, 1615-1867Known Artists
Watanabe Shiko, 1683-1755 Box 10 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library Art and Architecture of Japan Slide Collection, 1960-2005PaintingTokugawa Period, 1615-1867Known Artists
Watanabe Shotei, 1851-1918 Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library Art and Architecture of Japan Slide Collection, 1960-2005Japan 19th and 20th century CollectionPainting
Water Temple (Awaji, Hyogo Pref.) Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library Art and Architecture of Japan Slide Collection, 1960-2005Japan 19th and 20th century CollectionArchitectureBy ArchitectAndo Tadao, 1941-By Project
Water wheels Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library Art and Architecture of Japan Slide Collection, 1960-2005PaintingTokugawa Period, 1615-1867Artist Unknown [Slide boxes 41-42]Screens
Westerners in Japan (Collection Unknown) Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library Art and Architecture of Japan Slide Collection, 1960-2005PaintingMomoyama Period, 1573-1615Namban Art
Westerners Playing their Music (Atami) Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library Art and Architecture of Japan Slide Collection, 1960-2005PaintingMomoyama Period, 1573-1615Namban Art
Westerners Playing their Music (Ex-Kuroda) Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library Art and Architecture of Japan Slide Collection, 1960-2005PaintingMomoyama Period, 1573-1615Namban Art
Westerners Playing their Music (Tokyo) Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library Art and Architecture of Japan Slide Collection, 1960-2005PaintingMomoyama Period, 1573-1615Namban Art