Project Approval Architectural Drawings, 1930-1930 Box 811 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)14:25 Yale Health Center
Property at 65-69 Broadway, Blair and Marchant, 1935 June Folder 558 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)95 Maps of Yale1930-1950
Property at Temple and Wall Streets, A. B. Hill, 1921 October 25 Folder 557 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)95 Maps of Yale1900-1930
Property bounded by Park, Elm, York, and Chapel Streets, Tyler Trust Association, 1925 December Box 909 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)95 Maps of Yale1900-1930
Property bounded by South, Park, Oak, and York Streets, Blair and Marchant, 1940 October 15 Box 909 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)95 Maps of Yale1930-1950
Property map bounded by Cedar St,m Congress Ave., Rose, Palmer, and Broad Sts., Albert B. Hill, 1921 January 27 Box 909 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)95 Maps of Yale1900-1930
Property map of the block bounded by College, Grove, High, and Wall, undated Folder 638 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)95 Maps of YaleNo date
Property map of the northern part of the junction of Grove, York, and Ashmun, undated Folder 638 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)95 Maps of YaleNo date
Property map of the NW corner of Elm and High, showing utility lines and pipes, 1917 January 26 Folder 638 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)95 Maps of Yale1900-1930
Property map of the Sheffield Scientific School, 1928 November Folder 638 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)13:16 Sheffield-Sterling-Strathcona Hall [Sheffield Scientific School] (1 Prospect St)