Plot plan, 1939 October Folder 644A Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)22:50 Sterling Hall of Medicine (333 Cedar St) (138 drawings)
Plot plan (1 copy) Folder 644A Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)22:50 Sterling Hall of Medicine (333 Cedar St) (138 drawings)
Plot plan of ducts and manholes, French and Hubbard, 1917 March Folder 557 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)95 Maps of Yale1900-1930
Plot plan of the Yale Graduate School, 1932 February 2 Folder 638 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)5:10 Hall of Graduate Studies (320 York St):
Plumbing and Electrical Plans (25), 1969 September 23 Folder 657 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)27:1 33 Whitney Ave
Plumbing details, sheet #1; J. Byers Holbrook, C.E.; L.W. Robinson, 1918 September Folder 649 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)22:28 Yale Army Lab School
Plumbing details, sheet 24; L.W. Robinson, 1918 September Box 574 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)22:28 Yale Army Lab School
Plumbing details, sheet #2.; J, Byers Holbrook, C.E.; L.W. Robinson, 1918 September Folder 649 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)22:28 Yale Army Lab School
Polshek, 1996-1999 Box 742 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)3:43 Art and Architecture Building
Polshek, 2000 January 20 Box 748 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)4:37 Yale University Art Gallery