Paul Rudolph, Harkavy Residence (Sarasota, FL) Box 777 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)Non-Yale buildings
Periodicals reading room, 1997 June 27 Box 725 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)7:31 Sterling Memorial Library (120 High St)
Periodicals Room, 1997 March 11-1997 April 11 Box 907 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)7:31 Sterling Memorial Library (120 High St)
Periodicals Room electrical plans, 1997 June 27 Box 908 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)7:31 Sterling Memorial Library (120 High St)
Perspective sketch, 1908 December Folder 576 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)25:1 Yale Field Stadium (proposed)
Phase I Renovations, 1995-1995 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)7:31 Sterling Memorial Library (120 High St)
Phase I Renovations (Shepley, Bullfinch, Richardson, and Abbot, Architects), 1994-1994 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)7:31 Sterling Memorial Library (120 High St)
Phasing Plans (3 drawings) Folder 617 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)22:50 Sterling Hall of Medicine (333 Cedar St) (138 drawings)Renovation drawings, 1971-1990
Phasing Scheme - color Polshek, 2000-2000 Box 749 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)4:37 Yale University Art Gallery
Physical Plant drawing room drawings numbers, 1967-1970 Box 825 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Architectural drawings and maps of Yale University buildings and grounds, 1723-2002Architectural drawings and maps (not microfilmed)95 Maps of Yale1950-1970