Gift from the Sea, 1955 Box 166, Folder 492 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Anne Morrow Lindbergh papers, 1906-1997Writings, 1919-1976Printed copies of Anne Morrow Lindbergh's work
Gift from the Sea, 1955 Box 169, Folder 519 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Anne Morrow Lindbergh papers, 1906-1997Writings, 1919-1976Reviews and notices of Anne Morrow Lindbergh's work
Gift from the Sea, 1960, 1972-1981 Box 239, Folder 197-200 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Anne Morrow Lindbergh papers, 1906-19971982 Addition, 1920-1982, bulk 1973-1982Correspondence with readers
Gift from the Sea, 1967, [1975?] Box 1 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Two copies hardcover; one paperback view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Anne Morrow Lindbergh papers, 1906-1997Additional material, 1967-1997
Gift from the Sea, 1974-1975 Box 219, Folder 76 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Anne Morrow Lindbergh papers, 1906-19971980 Addition, 1957-1976, bulk 1974-1976Correspondence from readers
Gift from the Sea, 1977 Box 242, Folder 233 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Reviews and notices view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Anne Morrow Lindbergh papers, 1906-19971982 Addition, 1920-1982, bulk 1973-1982Writings
Gifts from the Sea, 1975-1975 Box 7, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Anne Morrow Lindbergh papers, 1906-1997Additional material, 1918-1978CorrespondencePublic opinion mail (C mail)
Gift taxes-correspondence and forms, 1974-1975 Box 12, Folder 10-11 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Anne Morrow Lindbergh papers, 1906-1997Additional material, 1929-1988, bulk 1974-1988Financial
Gilder, Comfort, 1960-1972 Box 7, Folder 135-136 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Anne Morrow Lindbergh papers, 1906-1997Correspondence from friends and acquaintances, 1915-1973
Gilder, Comfort, 1974 Box 212, Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Anne Morrow Lindbergh papers, 1906-19971980 Addition, 1957-1976, bulk 1974-1976Correspondence from friends and acquaintances