Mary Branch Bolles, Published stories: "A corner in eggs," "Cheeny oysters," Old Mr. Squires," "Laugh out of season," "Little pawn," "Minty", 1817-1899 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut College -Linda Lear Center for Special Collections and Archives Anna Hempstead Branch papers, 1712-1995Series I. Writing and Publications, 1816-1916Subseries B. Other authors, 1816-1899
Mary Branch Bolles, Published stories: "Anna Bailey," "Mrs. Brown's rag bag," "Of my company," "Parliamentary play", 1816-1897 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut College -Linda Lear Center for Special Collections and Archives Anna Hempstead Branch papers, 1712-1995Series I. Writing and Publications, 1816-1916Subseries B. Other authors, 1816-1899
Mary Branch Bolles, Published stories: "How Robbie and I went to sleep," "Passing acquaintance," "Tyrant Tom," "Johnny's mouse," "Three golden cookies," Review of "Guld the cavern king", 1818-1882 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut College -Linda Lear Center for Special Collections and Archives Anna Hempstead Branch papers, 1712-1995Series I. Writing and Publications, 1816-1916Subseries B. Other authors, 1816-1899
Mary L.B. Branch, chapbook poems, undated Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut College -Linda Lear Center for Special Collections and Archives Anna Hempstead Branch papers, 1712-1995Series I. Writing and Publications, 1816-1916Subseries B. Other authors, 1816-1899
Miscellaneous papers, including school receipts from 1830s, 1884-1921 Box 7.0 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut College -Linda Lear Center for Special Collections and Archives Anna Hempstead Branch papers, 1712-1995Series IV. Miscellaneous, 1712-1934
Miscellaneous papers, undated Box 7.0 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut College -Linda Lear Center for Special Collections and Archives Anna Hempstead Branch papers, 1712-1995Series IV. Miscellaneous, 1712-1934
Miss Branch, For C.I. MacLee, When capricious, undated Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut College -Linda Lear Center for Special Collections and Archives Anna Hempstead Branch papers, 1712-1995Series I. Writing and Publications, 1816-1916Subseries B. Other authors, 1816-1899
New London stories, undated Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut College -Linda Lear Center for Special Collections and Archives Anna Hempstead Branch papers, 1712-1995Series I. Writing and Publications, 1816-1916Subseries B. Other authors, 1816-1899
Notes from the diary of Joshua Hempstead re: repairs to the Hempstead House, 1712-1757 Box 7.0 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut College -Linda Lear Center for Special Collections and Archives Anna Hempstead Branch papers, 1712-1995Series IV. Miscellaneous, 1712-1934
Notes on progress of the Invisible Village Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut College -Linda Lear Center for Special Collections and Archives Anna Hempstead Branch papers, 1712-1995Series I. Writing and Publications, 1816-1916Subseries A. Anna Hempstead Branch manuscripts, 1910-1916