1st Regt. "Size roll of the Light Infantry Company of Foot in the Massachusetts Regiment..." [giving 38 names with age, height, trade, place of origin and residence.] (1 p. folio with note on verso: Size Roll of the Light Infantry Compy in Col. Voses Regt.) n.p., 1779-1779 Box 1, Folder 23 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives American Revolutionary War collection, 1775-1786MassachusettsMassachusetts Infantry
2 ALS (presumably to Lord Shuldham) from an American prisoner named De La Carriere , held on board the, 1777 August 27, undated Box 1, Folder 11 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives American Revolutionary War collection, 1775-1786Shuldham, Molyneux Shuldham (1717?-1798), baron
6th Regt. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives American Revolutionary War collection, 1775-1786MassachusettsMassachusetts Infantry
Account, as Deputy Quarter Master General, with the state of Connecticut from 1781 Jan to 1786 Jan. With a note on currency problems, and the method of payment: "...in part by State Notes received for sale of powder..." Initialed "RP" and dated "1791 Sep 5." Box 1, Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives American Revolutionary War collection, 1775-1786Ralph Pomeroy Papers; folders 1-9; Folio
AL (in the third person) to Thomas Fayerweather asking for the loan of two pounds of pork. (1 p. with note on verso). n.p., 1779 August 30 Box 1, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives American Revolutionary War collection, 1775-1786Mason, Mr. and Mrs.
ALS on leaving Hartford to Josiah Pomeroy, thanking him for "softening my captivity." (1 p.) Hartford, 1779 September 24 Box 1, Folder 18 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives American Revolutionary War collection, 1775-1786Hazard, Stanton
ALS to an unknown recipient announcing their appointment with "Mr [Pierpont?] Edwards...a Committee to visit the Provincial Convention of New York." (1 p. with note on verso: Letter Messrs. Wales and Burr. No. 34). New York, 1775 May 21 Box 1, Folder 22 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives American Revolutionary War collection, 1775-1786ConnecticutWales, Nathanel, and Burr, Thaddeus, 1735-1801
ALS to Lieutenant Collier ordering him to pay "six artificers" in Canada and Captain Craig of the Northern Army. (1 p. and accompanying outer leaf with a summary of the letter). New York, 1780 December 8 Box 1, Folder 14 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives American Revolutionary War collection, 1775-1786Phillips, William, 1731-1781
ALS to the President of Congress, petitioning that body to aid the widow and children of Colonel Seth Warner who died of wounds received "in the late war." ([2] p. on 1 leaf, with thirteen signatures). Bennington, 1786 July 7 Box 1, Folder 20 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives American Revolutionary War collection, 1775-1786Chittenden, William
American Revolutionary War collection, 1775-1786 0.25 Linear Feet Bookmark Abstract Or Scope An artificial collection of correspondence, payrolls, pay tables, receipts, commissions, and miscellanea including documents from Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, and South Carolina military forces. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives