[subjects include: Paul L. Diamond, Benjamin D. Boodman, Dr. Robert J. Doman, Elizabeth L. Carlson, Nancy McCormick Rambusch, Cleo Monson, Rambusch Marathon, unidentified photographs, CD of photographs of Nancy Rambusch, Joan Ruffing, Dennis Smith, Glora Dei, children in Montessori schools, Charles V. Bush, James R. McGhee, Maria Montessori, Montessori Teacher Training in Los Angeles 1915, Casa Bambibi, Happy Montessori School, Covent of the Visitation, Greene to the School, Suburban Montessori School, Oklahoma, Sea Pines Montessori School, Fitchburg Montessori School, Mary Lisa Ventura, Trabajamos Community Head Start, chart prepared by Ann Udell, Diablo Valley Montessori School, 1975 American Montessori Society Seminar, Granby, Lucya Prince, Howard Bruner, Georgie Grosde, Jim Hennes, J. McVicker Hunt, John Bremer, negatives]