Blake Alcyonaria Manuscript. Proofs of Plates 1-140. Numerous notes by A.E. Verrill on plates. Bound in 10 plate increments., 1881-1926 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Addison Emery Verrill Archives, 1864-1926…
Blake Alcyonaria Manuscript. The plates were wrapped in a paper that has since disintegrated. They we labled "Blake Plates to be[?] stored attic O.K. by Dr. Van Name.", 1881-1926 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Addison Emery Verrill Archives, 1864-1926…
Bryozoa. Archives related to Verrill's manuscripts dealing with Bryozoa., 1864-1926 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Addison Emery Verrill Archives, 1864-1926…
Bryozoa. Numerous photos, plates, figures and notes dealing with Bryozoa., 1864-1926 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Addison Emery Verrill Archives, 1864-1926…
Byron D. Verrill Correspondence. 6 letters from B.D. Verrill to his brother, A.E. Verrill., 1871 July 26-1885 June 14 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Addison Emery Verrill Archives, 1864-1926…
Byron D. Verrill Correspondence. Correspondence from B.D. Verrill to his brother, A.E. Verrill., 1871-1885 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Addison Emery Verrill Archives, 1864-1926…
Carl F. Gissler Correspondence. A letter from C.F. Gissler to A.E. Verrill vouching for the authenticity of the parasite sent to Verrill from Dr. C. Ritter. Apparently, Verrill had expressed doubt it was a human parasite, Gissler, however was present when it was removed from the patient. He goes on to say he thought it either a Taenia medioeannelata or a Ligula., 22 Sep 1888 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Addison Emery Verrill Archives, 1864-1926…
Carl F. Gissler Correspondence. Correspondence from C.F. Gissler to A.E. Verrill., 1888 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Addison Emery Verrill Archives, 1864-1926…
Chalres Earle Correspondence. A letter from C. Earle informing A.E. Verrill he is sending him a coral he collected from Bermuda., 08 Dec 1886 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Addison Emery Verrill Archives, 1864-1926…
Chalres Earle Correspondence. Correspondence from C. Earle to A.E. Verrill., 1886 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Addison Emery Verrill Archives, 1864-1926…