Frederick J.V. Skiff Correspondence. Correspondence from F.J.V. Skiff to A.E. Verrill., 1907 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Addison Emery Verrill Archives, 1864-1926…
Frederick William True Correspondence. A letter from F.W. True to A.E. Verrill informing Verrill that at the request of J.E. Benedict he is sending the last 2 Yale specimens of Sesarma back to Verrill., 17 Nov 1899 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Addison Emery Verrill Archives, 1864-1926…
Frederick William True Correspondence. Correspondence from F.W. True to A.E. Verrill., 1899 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Addison Emery Verrill Archives, 1864-1926…
Fred Mather Correspondence. A letter from F. Mather to S.F. Baird, forwarded to A.E. Verrill. In the letter on Forest & Stream letter head, Mather talks about a drainage pipe clogged with some sort of Tunicates. Also in the pipe were Mya, tube worms, Nereis, Mytilus, oysters, jingle shells and small anenomes. A Verrill not on the letter reads "Cynthia partita?", 08 Aug 1885 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Addison Emery Verrill Archives, 1864-1926…
Fred Mather Correspondence. Correspondence from F. Mather to A.E. Verrill., 1885 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Addison Emery Verrill Archives, 1864-1926…
Genealogy. Ancestors of George W. Verrill and Lucy Hilborn (2 copies). Ancestors in female lines of George W. Verrill (6 copies). Ancestors of Asa Barton, great grandfather of Flora Louise Smith (6 copies)., 1864-1926 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Addison Emery Verrill Archives, 1864-1926…
Genealogy. Papers related to Verrill family Genealogy., 1864-1926 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Addison Emery Verrill Archives, 1864-1926…
George Brown Goode Correspondence. A letter from G.B. Goode to A.E. Verrill informing him he has sent 5 parcels of specimens from Bermuda, including Siderastraea, Eunice, Plexaura, Octopoda, Strombus, Astrangia and Crustacea., 19 Jun 1877 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Addison Emery Verrill Archives, 1864-1926…
George Brown Goode Correspondence. A letter from G.B. Goode to A.E. Verrill informing him he will be sending corals and Ophiuroidea and discusses a proposal for a series of memoirs on the Natural History of Bermuda. He encloses a list of 14 proposed memoirs and suggested authors., 17 Jun 1877 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Addison Emery Verrill Archives, 1864-1926…
George Brown Goode Correspondence. Correspondence from G.B. Goode to A.E. Verrill., 1877 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Addison Emery Verrill Archives, 1864-1926…