Lamb, E. B. Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library 19th and 20th century Architecture Lantern Slide Collection, 1900-1960…
Lancaster, Osbert Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library 19th and 20th century Architecture Lantern Slide Collection, 1900-1960…
Landsberg Box 65 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library 19th and 20th century Architecture Lantern Slide Collection, 1900-1960…
Landscapes Box 37 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library 19th and 20th century Architecture Lantern Slide Collection, 1900-1960…
Landscapes Box 72 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library 19th and 20th century Architecture Lantern Slide Collection, 1900-1960…
Landstandeshaus Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library 19th and 20th century Architecture Lantern Slide Collection, 1900-1960…
Langham Hotel Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library 19th and 20th century Architecture Lantern Slide Collection, 1900-1960…
Lansing, Sussex Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library 19th and 20th century Architecture Lantern Slide Collection, 1900-1960…
Laon Box 41 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library 19th and 20th century Architecture Lantern Slide Collection, 1900-1960…
Lapua Box 35 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library 19th and 20th century Architecture Lantern Slide Collection, 1900-1960…