Poelzig, Hans Box 57 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library 19th and 20th century Architecture Lantern Slide Collection, 1900-1960GermanyArchitects
Poland Box 48 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library 19th and 20th century Architecture Lantern Slide Collection, 1900-1960FranceCitiesParis [Boxes 44-54]ExpositionsArts Decoratifs, 1925Foreign Pavilions
Poland Box 82 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library 19th and 20th century Architecture Lantern Slide Collection, 1900-1960
Police Station Box 34 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library 19th and 20th century Architecture Lantern Slide Collection, 1900-1960DenmarkCopenhagenGovernment Buildings
Pordenone Box 77 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library 19th and 20th century Architecture Lantern Slide Collection, 1900-1960ItalyCities
Pori Box 36 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library 19th and 20th century Architecture Lantern Slide Collection, 1900-1960FinlandCities
Port Sunlight Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library 19th and 20th century Architecture Lantern Slide Collection, 1900-1960BritainPlaces
Portugal Box 82 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library 19th and 20th century Architecture Lantern Slide Collection, 1900-1960
Posen Box 66 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library 19th and 20th century Architecture Lantern Slide Collection, 1900-1960GermanyCities
Possagno Box 77 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library 19th and 20th century Architecture Lantern Slide Collection, 1900-1960ItalyCities