n.p. 3 p.; 18 x 11 cm. Comments on the "Memoirs of Sir James Edward Smith" (1759-1828) which Mrs. Corrie had sent; also comments on the health of Mrs. Corrie. d 148/3/43
n.p. 3 p.; 26 x 20 cm. The introduction to the copy of letter reads: "The following was a portion of a letter I sent to Professor Smyth on finding he had introduced Dr. Priestley [Joseph Priestley (1733-1804)] in his Evidences as one of the defenders of Christianity. His name having been unjustly slandered. I was gratified that the professor had vindicated his injured memory." d 148/1/65
[1845] May 27 and n.d. Norwich 9 p.; various sizes About his lectures and books which she has read and praised; about Joseph Priestley (1733-1804) and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778). d 148/1/62-64