Zorach, William, 1887-1966. 2 Photographs Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library Sculpture Medium Format Photograph Collection, 1900-2005United States.Known Artists.Miscellaneous Artists.
Zorach, William, 1887-1966. 3 Photographs Box 152 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Includes a folder of miscellaneous clippings. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library American Painting Section of the Mounted Photograph Collection, 1900-2005ZIndividual Artists
Zorach, William, 1887-1967. 34 Photographs Box 265 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Includes a folder of miscellaneous clippings. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library Sculpture Photograph Collection: Italy-United States, 1900-2005United StatesKnown Artists.X, Y, ZIndividual Artists.
Zorach, William, 1920, 1923 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Katherine S. Dreier papers / Société Anonyme archive, 1818-1952, bulk 1920-1951Société Anonyme: Business Records, 1920-1950MEMBERSHIPCards
Zorach, William, 1923-1927 Box 86, Folder 2228 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Katherine S. Dreier papers / Société Anonyme archive, 1818-1952, bulk 1920-1951Société Anonyme: Correspondence, 1917-1950
Zorach, William, 1923, n.d. Box 117, Folder 2787 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Katherine S. Dreier papers / Société Anonyme archive, 1818-1952, bulk 1920-1951Société Anonyme: Subject Files about Artists, 1872-1952
Zorach, William, 1930-1931 Box 57, Folder 2592 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Ezra Pound Papers, 1868-1976General Correspondence
Zorach, William, 1931 Box 13, Folder 385 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Henry McBride papers, 1863-1989, bulk 1901-19621973 and 1974 Acquisitions, 1863-1962, bulk 1901-1962Correspondence, 1891-1962
Zorach, William, 1935 Apr Box 114, Folder 2394 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Alfred Stieglitz / Georgia O'Keeffe archive, 1728-1986, bulk 1880-1986Alfred Stieglitz: Documentary Ephemera, 1728-1980CLIPPINGS FILESClippings about the Stieglitz Circle
Zorach, William, 1941 December 30 Box 81 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Dorothy Norman papers, 1903-1996Pre-1990 Acquisitions, 1908-1983Dorothy Norman Correspondence