The Labor Herald

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Cover of Labor Herald, March 1922

This March 1922 edition of the Labor Herald portrays the common working man as a sailor, throwing off the chains of opporessive Capitalism in an effort to form a unionized work force, protected from the ills of the "open shop."


Cover of Labor Herald, May 1924

This May 1924 edition of the Labor Herald depicts a man reaping the crops from his farm, significant in the capacity of the concept of labor within the Socialist party, as well as the celebrated "May Day."


Cover of Labor Herald, 1924

This cover of the Labor Herald depicts an Elephant-Donkey hybrid, representing the labor party view of the perceived Republican-Democratic conspiracy.

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Cover of The Labor Herald, April 1922

This cover of the April 1922 edition of the Labor Herald depicts fast-moving locomotives speeding off of the edges of clips into the pit known as the "open shop," a term used for factories and other workplaces that refuse to support organized labor unions, an issue critical to Socialist party ideals.


Chicken Cartoon from Labor Herald, April 1924

This cartoon from the April 1924 edition of the Labor Herald depicts the public criticisms of Socialism in the form of a hen yelling at her children to run away from the approaching Communist, who is depicted as a black chicken.


Opportunity Cartoon from the Labor Herald, May 1924

This cartoon from the May 1924 edition of the Labor Herald depicts "opportunity" as an angel knocking on a sleeping citizen's door, urging him to gather himself, wake up and form an organized labor party to protect his interests and the interests of other workers.

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Whale Cartoon from the Labor Herald

This cartoon from the Labor Herald depicts the "open shop," or organization which refuses to recognize unions, as a giant whale slowly eating all of the union "Jonahs" until there is no more chance of a union left.

Socialism in the Public Eye
The Labor Herald