World War II Advertisements - 1942

Texaco Corporation advertisement; "Fighting for the right to boo the Dodgers"
Chris-Craft Corporation advertisement; "Three Navy "E's" for Excellence in Production
Parker Pen Company advertisement; "the Soldier whose letter Never Comes"
Philco Corporation advertisement; "Axis Nightmare!"
War Production Board advertisement; "Quiz on Junk"
Brewing Industry Foundation advertisement; "Morale is a lot of little things."
Polk Miller Products Corp (veterinary medicine producer) advertisement;  "I can wait."
Gruen Watch Company advertisement; "The life saver that was waiting in Honolulu, December 7, 1941."
United States Army Recruiting and Induction Service advertisement;  "One for All and All for One."
Electric Companies under American Business Management advertisement (94 companies sponsored advertisement);  "It's all yours - and no Jap or Nazi has anything like it!"

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